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Showing posts from January, 2014

Our Day By Day

Life's Blessings Are Found In Our Day By Day I often find myself harping and nagging at my kids to "pick up" their stuff!  PICK IT UP!  I am raising the future MEN of this world.  And even though I am a Mama and wife who tries to do it all for my kids and husband to make their lives easier, I find myself realizing whoever marries my sons will not appreciate them being so spoiled.  I mean, a man and/or a woman should be able to take care of themselves on their own.  Being domesticated is one of the most important things in's being free of relying on anyone else for your everyday needs.  Plus, the last time I checked my name wasn't Cinderella.  I don't own ball gowns, I don't have a fairy-god mother, I don't wear glass slippers.  However, I do wear old worn clothes and scrub floors (literally).  I need them to be able to stand on their own two feet and survive in this world.  My way of thinking is to get them trained and t...