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Showing posts from March, 2012

Wild Flowers

This is a picture I took a couple of weeks ago.  I love it so much.  These are wild flowers (some may call them weeds...but they are WILD flowers) that grow and take over, sort of like the bluebonnets here, in Texas.  They cover an area like a blanket.  They are so bright and beautiful.  To me, Spring isn't about the nice potted plants, or the "well known" Spring flowers or is about the flowers that grow and thrive in the wild!  The ones that no matter what kind of soil or (lack of) water they have, they are still beautiful. Enjoy! ~  Dee **This picture was taken with my Nikon 3100.

Precious TIME

PRECIOUS TIME King Henry VIII : [ Opening lines ] In these last days I’ve been thinking a great deal about loss. What loss, your grace, is to man most irrecoverable? Charles Brandon : His virtue. King Henry VIII : No, for by his actions, he may redeem his virtue. Charles Brandon : Then, his honor. King Henry VIII : No, for again he may find the means to recover it, even as a man recovers some fortune he has lost. Charles Brandon : Then I can’t say, Your Majesty. King Henry VIII : Time, your grace. Of all losses, time is the most irrecuperable for it can never be redeemed.   Do you ever have the feeling that you are being prepared for something (both good and bad)?  I do!  I get into these moods where I find myself pondering about things...precious things, like time.  I love those moments because I see things in a new light.  I find a new appreciation for all things.  My husband, my children, family, friends, birds, trees, freedom, air, my li...

What About Me?

I am the Queen of my own little world~ "they" call me Queen Dee;) I can be crazy, silly, loud, quiet- I love to love- and more often than not, I wear my heart on my sleeve- but will be the first to rip it off and turn cold. I love the world and people in it and wish I could travel and learn more about other cultures.  But with that said, I am a true southerner at heart.  I want to know all about you, your Mama and Daddy and "them", your garden, your good days, your bad days, what little things your kids have done...I like to talk and I love to listen.  I could live in another country and embrace it   ( preferably England ehmm ;) ). But deep down I will always be a southern girl!  The saying, "you can take the girl out of the country, BUT, you will never take the country out of the girl."...yeah, that's me. I will always be the Granddaughter of a cotton picker, a share cropper, someone who raised her 4 children on her own after the death of he...