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To Our Seasons!

To everything there is a season,
and a time for every purpose under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

The well known SEASON verse.  If you were ever/are in the church, you know this
passage.  And most people, I gather, have heard The Byrds' version -  Turn, Turn, Turn,
which is my favorite! This is one of the greatest pieces written because it is the truth.  It is
"tried and true".  It's just what sums it all up, it's the path of life!  

I've been thinking a lot about "seasons" lately.  Matter of fact, it's been brought
up in a few of my my head and with actual people.  
The thing about seasons...they come and go.  Sometimes it feels like they last forever, and 
sometimes it feels like they slip by way too fast.  Seasons can bring exciting times or
grieving times.  Season can bring growth or destruction.  The thing is, seasons bring change,
good, bad, or both all at once.   

Recently, I had to admit to myself that my season of grieving has been going on since 2018.  
It's 2021 now, and at any moment I feel like I could physically drop if one more thing
happens.  I believe most humans are strong and can handle more than we think.  However, I
do not think we are meant to carry such a heavy loaded heart, forever.  I believe that's where 
embracing your season comes in.  This is one of my seasons, it has lasted longer than I
would have wanted, but it is what I had to go through to learn, accept, and grow for the next
While going through my season recently, I was able to witness others going through their own.
And that is where the human connection of understanding, compassion, and love comes in.

a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to break down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

As I watched spring burst forth with beautiful new foliage and gorgeous blooms, the Texas
spring wind and rain come in fierce like the cowgirl she is, and all the new four legged life
popping up in pastures; I witnessed all the sweet human mamas embracing their season.  
Mamas are running around going dress and tux shopping for prom, going to senior dinners,
trying to help finalize that last year of high school and prepare for the new adventure 
that awaits their child.  This is not only an exciting time, but a time for their own grieving to

a time to search and a time to count as lost,
a time to keep and a time to discard,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3

No child is the same, no matter how many you have.  If you've ever had one leave the nest, it
doesn't get any easier even when the second leaves, I'm certain.  And I could not even imagine
when the last one leaves.  Every time it will hit your heart all over again.  I've had one leave
and that is when my grieving season started.  I'm not looking forward to our next/last leaving.
All I can do is hold on to all that goodness that is happening in-between now and then.  

As I watch you all - my friends, neighbors, relatives, enjoy these last bittersweet moments of your kids high school days, I urge you to hold on.  Hold on to the memories, hold on to every laugh, snide remark, eye roll.  Hold on to seeing that bathroom or bedroom look like a bomb went off in it.  Hold on to the unmade bed, to the chip bag being left on the counter, to the cleats forgotten at home and the call you receive to bring them to the school.  Hold on to that one thing they knew about for weeks but just "forgot" and now they need it by tomorrow.  Hold on to the attitude you're being given because you have a son or daughter stuck in between a child and an adult...and they're excited and nervous all at the same time, for their next step in life.  Hold on to the worry, to the excitement, to the joy, to the pride.  It's all real and it's all yours.  A whole lifetime is wrapped up into this child...and one day they will understand these same moments.  This is the end of one season...but oh, how I hope the next is full of such sweetness, new adventures, and memories.  They will forever be your babies, no matter where they go or how old they are.  This is your season, it hurts...but my hope is that you get to witness the fruit after the season.   
Bless the Class of 2021...enjoy every minute of this ever fleeting life! 
You are loved more than you'll ever know! 💗


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